Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Like I do every morning, try to get my ass out of bed, say a prayer, eat sum food, watch tv and catch up on the latest news that transpired while I was asleep, and eventually get my daily grind on. However this Tiger coverage is really starting to piss me off. SO WHAT Tiger has been letting his libido run wild. Isn't that shit between him and Elin? I don't give a fuck who Tiger is fuckin it does not affect me or anything I'm trying to do so.........

However this leads me to a bigger question, why is everyone so fascinated by what goes on in people's bedrooms? If you ask me Tiger has been focused on everything GOLF since he was a little lad, won the Masters, all these fuckin PGA tourneys, shit there is nothing left for him to do but smash random chicks. Hell, he probably missed out all thru high school and his brief stint at Stanford because he was swingin a club so let Tiger live his life. In all actuality Tiger has a little bit of swag now if you ask me because shit before now I really didn't pay that dude much attention because well thats another story....

I was having a conversation with a female the other day about relationships and she stated that sometimes she is attracted to other people and its just a physical thing and sometimes she wants to explore that but not kick it with that person long-term. In other words, smash and go, no commitment, no attachment, while still being in LOVE with her main dude. And she is upfront with her dude about it. And it got me to thinking, infidelity does not mean that you do not LOVE the person you are with, you may have seen someone that turned you on, wanted to smash and that was that. Talk to me chasers let me know what you think?



  1. "infidelity does not mean that you do not LOVE the person you are with"

    LOVE doesn't keep couples together. Trust, respect and communication are what keep a marriage together. Elin can no longer trust Tiger, he didn't respect her by cheating and now publicly humiliating her and I'm sure their communication was poor for all of these affairs to go on. We all have been tempted before and our mind may wonder where it shouldn't. But why risk IT all for a fling? Maybe you're willing to risk IT because IT's really not what you want to begin with.

  2. Anonymous she is not a slut...she actually has come to the conclusion that men cheat...women cheat...and people should just be honest with each other if they feel like they need to creep....she's not having sex with everybody but feels that people are not REAL ENOUGH with each other

  3. Should a person really be in a realtionship if they want to be free to act on every sexual impulse they feel? Is it really fair to the person you are with to be like "ok, I'm going to freak this one, that one, and that one too.." and really expect them to sit at home and wait patiently while they are out living free. The reality is that the person that's doing all this "exploring" 9 times out of then could not really handle it if the person they "LOVE" were doing the same thing and they found out. It's very selfish. It's one thing if you have a couple that has that type of understanding and that's what they want to do...but in any other circumstance it's cheating. You might as well be single.

  4. Jay I think people define their relationship based on what works for them...too many people say they want one thing and in all actuality they want something different but never communicate that with the person they r involved with...do i think u should cheat in a marriage or committed relationship my personal opinion is NO...however i cant say because someone gets involved with someone else doesnt mean that they dont love the person they r kickin it with on the regular

  5. I think the issue is that once you LOVE someone, you have learned more about that person, flaws and all. When you see a stranger that you are physically/sexually attracted to, all you have is the visual. You aren't aware of their flaws yet. I believe that the same kind of sex you have with that "stranger" is the same kind of sex you could have with the one you Love and it could mean so much more. Once you are in a committed relationship it becomes about more than sex, but if you are really committed to having a successful relationship then the enjoyment and excitement of sex does not have to diminish once you're accumstomed to having that person around. Finally to answer the question, I do believe that an incident of infidelity does not mean you do not Love the one you are with, but I would have second guessess on several incidents.

  6. Love is overrated...Real Talk...Just build up walls like me and everyone will be A-Okay...
