Monday, December 7, 2009


"This time I want it all, this time I want it all, showing you all the cards, giving you all my heart, this time I'll take the chance, this time I'll be a man, I can be all you need, This time it's all of me"
- John Legend, This Time, Evolver

Adonis told me about this fuckin song a while back, but most of the time I'm only checkin for the songs with the hot beat. I need songs that I can nod my head to. But I guess sometimes its cool to just relax, fuck that! While I have listened to John Legend's Evolver CD I always skipped this track. It wasn't until I was watching the final episode of The Game on BET, you know the show that CW took off the air. The same network that fucked over Girlfriends. Yeah the network that seems to fuck over all the black shows produced by Mara Brock Akil. Yeah I'm bitter over it. Anyway, when Melanie and Derwin were exchanging vows and everyone's life on the show was taking different turns, this dayum song was playing in the background and for a minute I got teary eyed. Because for that quick second, yeah real quick, I realized that I DO WANT IT ALL. I would be content in finding that one special person to give my love to but AM I TOO LATE? AM I LATE BECAUSE I really like this person now and I'm afraid to tell them how I really feel about them because I don't want to seem vulnerable and put myself out there. Scared to let them know that I wake up in the morning with them on my mind and go to sleep thinking about them. Scared to tell them that when I see there name flash across my caller ID I get all excited. Scared to tell them when I miss their call I'm like SHIT! Scared to tell them that I want to take things further and see where it leads. How do I do this? I don't know where to start? Usually I wait for the other person to tell me how they feel and I go forward. But this time it's different. It seems like neither one of us wants to be the first one to say "Hey let's take this further?" So tell me my fellow readers.....What do I do? How do I drop hints without being direct to see where the other person's head is at? Maybe this is my chance....HELP ME! See if we got some real G's out there.


  1. OK... I have to be honest and say that when I read this I wanted to laugh (and choke you at the same time) because I am really trippin on how people don't like to take chances. Maybe it's different for me because I have passed this stage so I won't be so hard on you but out of curiosity, how many times have you put yourself out there and been burned 
    I can't help until I know certain things so with that bein said:
    -how long have yall been kickin' it
    -have yall "kicked" it

    -do YOU have someone else that you are kickin it with...or "kicking" it with LOL
    -is that REALLY how you feel (what you said above)

  2. U all over the place Silver...choke me why the violence Silver huh LOL...passed this stage huh aight expert, i always get burned once i decide to call thingz off folks alwayz get wild on me when I thought they were totally different....been kickin it for about 8 or 9 months...naw not kickin it with anyone else been tempted tho...

  3. i say go for it you'll never know when its too late until its too late. I once was caught in between a situation quite similiar but fortunately for me dude waited around long enough to be the first to make a move. I'm totally commited to him after 6mths of meeting him. So glad he didnt wait until it was too late .

  4. what up canttouchmyswagg why didnt u make the first move?

  5. Mmmm, scared of what? This is all very jr. high to me. Don't get me wrong, I too will hold back my feelings but after 8 or 9 months it's time to take it to another level. I'm to the point in my life where I can only chase for so long. You should value yourself as a good catch...and if they haven't tried to progress in 8 or 9 months then the answer is staring you in the face.

    One of my fav quote's from an intro to a song is, "It's not what they say, it's what they do."

  6. To be honest i was in an abusive relationship for 4 and half years and i was telling myself dude loved me when in fact i didnt love myself enough to let go . Well Mr G.( the love of my life ) shows up in the wrong place but at the right time . I was quite intriqued but i knew the situation I was in so I was very hesitant to tell him my life story and become more acquianted with him. Persitence was his game and that attracted me more than ever .With attraction came curiousity and we all know what came next .

  7. I keep telling you that life is about taking risks man. You don't ever wanna live your life wondering about the "what ifs". You might lose out...

  8. I don't think a person should EVER be afraid to share their feelings. PERIOD. If you wait to long, that person may NOT be available any longer...BE VOCAL

  9. glad u got out of that situation canttouchmyswagg...appreciate the feedback but everyone keeps sayin be vocal express your feelings but NO ONE has said if they have been the first one to express it HMMM...interesting... i wonder if everyone who has commented has waited on the other person to make the first move....I WANNA HEAR FROM THE FIRST MOVERS WHERE R YALL

  10. Well...honestly...I NEVER made the first move. Would I make the first move? DAMN RIGHT... All I'm saying is, DON'T be afraid to go after something you want. Think about that job you always wanted, that car, those J's, etc. 9/10 you went after it...RIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTT???

  11. no doubt Taz of course i went after all that shit...see Taz seems like everyone has made the first move on u which is the same shit for me so what has always held u bacc?????

  12. Que, do you feel like being upfront with this person about your feelings means that you are giving them power over you in the relationship? I think 9 months is long should know this person well enough to know if this is someone you really wanna be with or not. I say think about your the risk of saying nothing worth potentially losing this person to someone else that will say it upfront every day? If you won't..there's always someone that will...keep that in mind.

  13. sup Jay on sum real shit yeah i think power has alot to do wit it

  14. So do u only want to be involve with someone that allows you to always have the upper hand?

  15. I just noticed that you asked how do you drop hints without being direct. We're not 17 anymore.....go ahead, be direct. There's no need to beat around the bush, especially after spending the last 8-9 months together. Wouldn't you want someone to be direct with you when your feelings are involved? You two spend madd time together and you've even met the fam. If the feelings weren't mutual then trust me, you all would not have lasted this long. So I challenge you to go ahead and have that conversation. As my grandfather always says, "a closed mouth never gets fed".

  16. What up Taz its the PRIDE thing for me so u tellin me to jump off the ledge and u aint even done that shit come on son

  17. naw Jay once a person lets me know how they feel first im good i dont have to always have the upper hand

  18. Sigh...I just discovered this blog and I see already I'm gonna be the Heartless Love Lockdown dude occasionally commenting here....

    First off, people sleep on John Legend too much, in more ways than one...

    Second off, its funny how this post starts off with lyrics from a song off an album called EVOLVER when the post is about doing the opposite of Evolution.

    Third off, the devil is in the details. It depends on how you know these objects of attraction.
